What Type of SSL Certificates Does ZeroSSL Provide?

Here you can find some basic information about our certificates regarding type, validation & duration. 

Writing Hand on Twitter Signature Algorithm 

At ZeroSSL we issue certificates with SHA-384 signature algorithm by default. 

Memo on Twitter Validation

ZeroSSL offers Domain Validation (DV) certificates.

At the moment we do not offer Organization Validation (OV) or Extended Validation (EV), because we would have to vet identity information. DV SSL Certificates are fully supported and come with the advantage of being issued almost immediately and without the need to submit company paperwork. This makes DV SSL ideal for businesses needing low-cost SSL quickly and without much effort.

Memo on Twitter Revocation information protocol - OCSP vs. CRL

ZeroSSL is using OCSP for certificate revocation.
CRL certificate extensions are not available for certificates issued via ZeroSSL.

Stopwatch on Twitter Duration

The following certificate duration is available: 

  • 90 days
  • 1- year

Light Bulb on Apple Type

The following type is available: 

  • Conventional SSL Certificates - can be issued as multidomain certificates 
  • Wildcard certificates - cannot be issued as multidomain certificates

⚙️ Format

The following format is available: 

File Type Extensions
PEM .key, .cer, .pem or .crt

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