Troubleshooting - DNS (CNAME) Verification

Click here to review how to validate your domain with DNS (CNAME). When navigating to the domain verification page and choosing DNS (CNAME) as your verification method, you will receive a unique CNAME record consisting of two parts:

  • Name: This is the name-part of your CNAME record.
  • Value: This is the value-part your CNAME record is pointing to.
  • TTL: This is your TTL (Time-To-Live) value. Set it to 3600 or lower.

Please check if you have added the correct Name record:

For example, your Name record in ZeroSSL is, please enter only_D5856C5EEC87E5505EF3F53E95B414EB without the domain part as most DNS providers filter this part out automatically. 

If you would like to see if your CNAME record is able to be validated, you can check your record using any DNS record lookup tool like this one: Google Dig:

1. From your Dashboard copy the Name value and add it to the search box


2. If you can see your CNAME record’s “Points To” value in the search results then your CNAME record is propagated and ZeroSSL will issue your SSL shortly:



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